Science & Humanities

We develop creative, comprehensive, and sustainable engineering solutions for a future where society can thrive.

About department
Diploma in Science & Humanities Pune

The Science and Humanities Department is an integral part of any technical education institution, as it lays the foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential for the success of students in their respective fields. At its core, the department focuses on developing a strong fundamental understanding of basic sciences, including physics, chemistry, and mathematics, along with a deep appreciation of the humanities, including English language, and social sciences.

The Science and Humanities Department plays a critical role in shaping the overall education of the students, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their chosen fields. The department provides a platform for students to explore various aspects of science and humanities, understand their relevance in the real world, and apply them in practical situations.

Through a combination of classroom lectures, laboratory experiments, and field visits, the department strives to create a stimulating learning environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. The department also aims to foster a sense of social responsibility among students, encouraging them to work toward the betterment of society and the environment.

The Science and Humanities Department is committed to providing, preparing, develop in place of providing, preparing, and developing its students, preparing them for a successful careers in their respective fields, and developing them into responsible citizens of society. With a strong focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, the department plays a pivotal role in the overall development of students and the success of the institution as a whole.


To nurture proficient technicians with sound ethical and social values contributing towards the welfare of masses.


M – Make ardent efforts to inculcate technical skills, social and ethical values among students.

M – Mould students to be competent through an excellent harmony among Theoretical, Analytical and Practical Knowledge

P – Permeate professional skills among students through Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities

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Science & Humanities

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Mr. Sandeep P. Ghogare
Name Mr. Sandeep P. Ghogare
Designation HOD
Department General Science and Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 231
Qualifications  MSc in Mathematics
Areas of Interest  Basic Maths, Engg. Maths, Applied Maths, Statistical Analysis
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 21 years
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions MSBTE Committee Member of Applied Mathematics Learning Manual for K Scheme
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. F Y Coordinator
  2. IQAC In-charge
  3. NBA criteria 8 coordinator 
  4. Admission In-charge
  5. Facility Feedback Coordinator
Other Responsibilities
  1. Marathon In-charge
  2. First Year Induction Program
  3. School Connect program- Institute Coordinator
Mrs. Mohini S. Patil
Name Mrs. Mohini S. Patil
Designation Lecturer in Mathematics
Department Science and Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 232
Qualifications  M.Sc. Mathematics
Areas of Interest  Applied Mathematics, Statistics.
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 14yrs

Industrial Experience : 

Research Publications :

  • a. International Journals: 00
  • b. InternationalConference:00
  • c. National Conference:00
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
Other Responsibilities
Mr. Jyotiram D. Randive
Name Mr. Jyotiram D. Randive
Designation Lecturer
Department General Science & Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 233
Qualifications  M.A.(English),M.B.A.(Hr.)
Areas of Interest  Pragmatics, HRM
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 12yrs

Industrial Experience: 02 yrs.

Research Publications :

a. International Journals: 01

Selected Publications:
  1. International Journals of Advance Research & Innovative Ideas in Education, “Place of Grammar in English Teaching, Volume 6 Issue 3, Feb 2020
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions –  
Present Responsibilities at MM POLYTECHNIC
  1. Admission Co-ordinator
  2. Website Coordinator (Department level)
  3. NSS Program Officer
Other Responsibilities
Dr. Mrunalini C. Lakhe
Name Dr. Mrunalini C. Lakhe
Designation Lecturer
Department General Science
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 234
Qualifications  Ph.D., M.Sc.(Analytical Chemistry),
Areas of Interest  Applied Chemistry
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience : 18yrs

Research Experience : 05 yrs.

Research Publications :

  • a. National Journals: 01
  • b. InternationalConference:01
  • c. National Conference:01
Selected Publications:
  1. Proceeding of sixth International conference on Platinum Group Metals, Royal Society of Chemistry, Dalton Division held at University of York p-19 (1996) “Tetracyanoplatinate (MCP): an efficient drying stress probe molecule for Sol-Gel glass system
  2. Proceeding Solid State Physics Symposium 36c, 218 (1993) “1- Aminopyrine-3,6,8-trisulphonate: a photophysical probe for Sol-Gel transition
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. Private scholarship Co-ordinator
  2. FC Incharge
  3. Internal Academic monitoring 
  4. Lab In charge (Chemistry lab)
  5. School connect program Coordinator
  6. Terrace Garden 
Mrs. Shilpa R. Kesharwani
Name Mrs. Shilpa R. Kesharwani
Designation Lecturer in Mathematics
Department General Science
Email id [email protected]
Extension No
Qualifications  M.Sc. Mathematics
Areas of Interest  Pure Mathematics-Real Analysis, Diploma Maths-Basic & Applied Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics-Basic & Applied Mathematics.
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 11 yrs
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. Time Table co-ordinator
  2. Medals and certificate Coordinator
  3. Mentor
Other Responsibilities
  1. Badminton sport co-ordinator in annual sport.
  2. MSBTE Practical time table co-ordinator.
  3. Anchoring for Marathon 
Mr. Balasaheb S. Salunke
Name Mr. Balasaheb S. Salunke
Designation Lecturer 
Department General Science & Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension No 235
Qualifications  M.Sc(Physics) B.ed
Areas of Interest  Nanotechnology, Semiconductors, Digital electronics
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic experience: 24 yrs
Selected Publications: MSBTE Lab manual of Basic Physics & Applied Physics
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC 1.Lab in-charge ( Physics lab) 

2.Officer in-charge for MSBTE exam 

3.Co-odinator for internal class test exam

4.Co-ordinator for Facilitation Centre of DTE 

Other Responsibilities 1. Mentor for first year electrical engg.
Mrs. Vaishali A. Deshmukh
Name Mrs. Vaishali A. Deshmukh
Designation Lecturer in English
Department General Science & Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension No
Qualifications  M.A ( English ) Bed
Areas of Interest 
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 4.5 yrs
Research Publications :
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. Coordinator – Counselling
  2. Departmental Exam File
  3. Departmental Event / Activities
Other Responsibilities
  1. Exam – Paper Printing
Ms. Arti A. Dahale
Name Ms. Arti A. Dahale
Designation Lecturer 
Department General Science Department
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 234
Qualifications  M.Sc (Analytical Chemistry), DMLT Persuing
Areas of Interest  R&D, Lab Technician, QA, QC, Analytical Spectroscopy
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience : 1.5 yrs.

Industrial Experience : 06 months

Research Project :

Project Overview: High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Molecules


High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a powerful analytical technique used to separate, identify and quantify molecules in a sample. It has been widely used in various fields such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental analysis, and food science, among others. In this project, we will explore the application of HPLC in the analysis of molecules.


The objectives of this project are to:

  • Understand the principles of HPLC and the different modes of separation
  • Discuss the importance of sample preparation in HPLC analysis
  • Explore the various detection methods used in HPLC
  • Evaluate the advantages and limitations of HPLC in the analysis of molecules
  • Review recent advances and future trends in HPLC technology
Selected Publications:
  1. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: Advances and Perspectives” by Phuong Mai Le and Kiet Tran.

  1. “Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography” by Lloyd R. Snyder, Joseph J. Kirkland, and John W. Dolan. 
  3. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis” by Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos, Joseph Sherma, and Teresa Kowalska.

5. “Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography” by Veronika R. Meyer.

Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. Library Incharge 
  2. Exam committee Member 
  3. Women Representative for EOC
  4. MSBTE Curriculum Covered data
  5. Document Verification in Admission.
Ms.Ashwini P. Shete
Name Ms. Ashwini P. Shete
Designation Lecturer
Department General Science Humanities 
Email id [email protected]
Extension No Ext: 235
Qualifications  MSc, BSc.(Physics)
Areas of Interest  Nanomaterials, Astrophysics
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience : 02 yrs

Industrial Experience : 02 yrs


Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
Other Responsibilities
Miss. Payal K. Patil
Lab Assistant
Name Miss. Payal K. Patil
Designation Lab Assistant – Chemistry
Department General Science and Humanities
Email id [email protected]
Extension no
Qualification BSc Chemistry
Area of interest Chemistry, Sport, Art
Academic / Industrial Experience No
Selected Publications
Professional Affiliations




Awards and Recognitions Completed government front desk coordinator course
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC chemistry lab assistant
Other responsiblity Girls common room facilities


Mr. Shelke P. V.
Lab Assistant
Name Mr. Shelke P. V.
Designation Lab Assistant – Physics
Department General Science Department
Email id [email protected]
Extension No 235
Qualifications  BSc (Physics)
Areas of Interest  Physics
Academic / Industrial Experience 21 Academic experience 
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
Other Responsibilities
Ms. Tejal B.Motankar
Name Ms. Tejal B.Motankar
Designation Lecturer in Mathematics
Department General Science
Email id [email protected]
Extension No
Qualifications  M.Sc. Mathematics
Areas of Interest  Basic & Applied Mathematics.
Academic / Industrial Experience Academic Experience: 04 yrs
Selected Publications:
Professional Affiliations
Awards and Recognitions
Present Responsibilities at MMPOLYTECHNIC
  1. Lecturer
Other Responsibilities